看似一部充滿歡笑與淚水的《Year of the Dog 愛狗人生》,故事藉由女主人姵姬因為喪犬之痛,認識了流浪動物之家的志工,相互照顧一群狗兒,卻也逐漸走火入魔把狗養滿整間屋子,擾人安寧的叫吠聲與臭氣沖天的狗味,上演電視新聞常出現的狗主人與鄰居相互叫囂的戲碼。《愛狗人生》用逆向操作把愛狗人士自以為有愛心,卻渾然不知別人的感受,甚至已到了心智喪失地步,卻還振振有詞的指責別人的錯誤,猙獰的表現一覽無遺。本片所要傳達的意念,不只以電影動態呈現,在海報上除了女主角與狗為真實色彩呈現,其餘包括路人與景色皆以插畫,突顯女主角與世隔絕,只想和狗狗做為人生的伴侶。《愛狗人生》以呵護狗為主題的可愛包裝下,其實隱藏著外界對這些愛狗成癡的人戲謔,嘲笑這些把狗當兒子女兒的主人,所展露出幾近瘋狂的醜態。《愛狗人生》★★☆(2.5 / 4) 爛番茄 69 % IMDb(6.2 / 10)
自己一向都很喜歡福斯探照燈所發行的電影,縱使是獨立製片卻也有那麼一點點娛樂的效果,不管是從去年《Little Miss Sunshine 小太陽的願望》、《Notes On A Scandal 醜聞筆記》,一直到今年開出紅盤的《Juno 鴻孕當頭》,福斯探照燈所挑選出來的片子,總是能在藝術、人文主義的議題上與商業做一些巧妙的結合,《Waitress 女侍情緣》這一部在 2007 年日舞影展大放異彩的好片,由凱莉羅素所飾演的餐館的女服務生,面臨人生、老公、情人、以及孩子這四個抉擇所展現出的智慧,善用自己拿手的做派經驗,烤出屬於自己最適合的美好人生。《女侍情緣》★★★(3 / 4) 爛番茄 89 % IMDb(7.4 / 10)
來聽聽《女侍情緣》主題曲 Baby Don’t You Cry
Wtritten by Andrew Hollander and Adrienne Shelly
Published by Shelly/Wandering Rose Music (BMI)
Performed by Quincy Coleman
When the world is grey and bleed
Baby don't you cry
I will give you every little love that's in my heart
I will bake it up into a simple little pie
Baby, don't you cry, gonna make a pie
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Baby, don't be blue, gonna make for you
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Gonna make a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby, don't you cry, gonna make a pie
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart
Baby here's the sun, baby here's the sky
Baby I'm your light and I'm your shelter
Baby you are mine, I could freeze the time
Keep you in my kitchen with me forever
Gonna be a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby, don't you cry, gonna make a pie
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart
Gonna bake a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with butterscotch love
Gonna bake a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with banana cream love
Baby, don't you cry, gonna make a pie
Hold you forever, hold you forever, hold you forever
in the middle of my heart