茱兒巴莉摩首部擔任製片的電影《Never Been Kissed 一吻定江山》,在當年除了替福斯賺進大把鈔票,也奠定茱兒巴莉摩在好萊塢一線女星的地位。尤其以現在的眼光來看這部 1999 年發行的電影,並不會因為時間的增加而略顯失色,劇中所要探討的校園問題,遠比現在一堆「沒腦的校園喜劇」還要有深度,雖然結局稍微有點扯之外,綜觀整部片算是一部值得欣賞的好電影。《一吻定江山》除了電影本身精采,原聲帶也是非常的棒!不過現在看到原聲帶中的歌手,有三分之二大概不是解散、就是默默消失…,實在是頗為心酸。來聽聽原聲帶中一首由 Sonichrome 樂團所演唱的「Innocent Journey」!
Innocent Journey
Written by Sonichrome
love is an innocent, innocent journey
love is a cancer, love ain't benign
love is what keeps you going all the time now
love it, don't leave it, don't leave it behind
love is for free
people like me
crossing the seas, looking for that someone
love is for free
when people like me
set their sights on you
i'll know what to do
love is what i came for
love is what's in store for
love is an innocent, innocent journey
love is a cancer, love ain't benign
love is what keeps me going all the time now
love it, don't leave it, don't leave it behind
love is for free
people like me
just crossing the seas looking for that special someone
love is for free
i've got eyes to see
looking for someone
love could come along
love is what your waiting for
love is what you came for
love is an innocent, innocent journey
love is a cancer, love ain't benign
love is what keeps you going all the time now
love it, don't leave it, don't leave it be
love it, don't leave it, don't leave it be
love it, don't leave it, don't leave it behind