  1998 年夢工廠首部長篇動畫《The Prince of Egypt 埃及王子》,企圖搶食動畫市場這塊大餅,貴為夢工廠的首部動畫,所以《埃及王子》的宣傳策略也格外小心謹慎,為了避開當時迪士尼暑假推出的Mulan 花木蘭》,《埃及王子》選在聖誕節黃金檔期上映。不僅如此,夢工廠更搬出兩尊當時的人氣天后 - 瑪麗亞凱莉與惠妮休士頓,一同合唱主題曲「When You Believe」替《埃及王子》加持,迪士尼則是推派自家人-克莉絲汀演唱《花木蘭》主題曲「Reflection」,雖然彼此避開產生對打的局面,不過這兩部片終究會在奧斯卡上廝殺。

71 屆(1998 年)的奧斯卡入圍名單一揭曉,《花木蘭》的「Reflection就宣布提前出局,入圍的《埃及王子》「When You Believe」最後順利奪下小金人。

  「When You Believe」沒有前奏,惠妮休士頓第一句就唱出一種寂靜之夜、繁星點點的空靈感整首歌的編曲就如同摩西率領族人渡紅海般的宏偉大氣,歌詞更是闡明只要堅定信念不被動搖,奇蹟就會發生。

When You Believe 
Music & Lyrics:Stephen Schwartz 

Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We barely understood 

Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could, whoa, yes 

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill

Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer bird
Too swiftly flown away 

Yet now I'm standing here
My heart's so full, I can't explain
Seeking faith and speakin' words
I never thought I'd say 

They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way clear through the rain
A small, but still, resilient voice
Says help is very near

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